Two-part lecture series: Rational approximations and Subspace Theorem | Some applications of Subspace Theorem
By Sagnik Saha in Talk Series
April 10, 2022
It gives us immense pleasure to announce our next speaker in the ‘Two-part Lecture Series’, jointly hosted by CMIT and the School of Mathematics, IISER Thiruvananthapuram.
Kindly note that the two-part lectures will be delivered in a manner to cover the necessary basics in the first part of the talk, while the second part builds upon the same and continues.
The following two-part lecture will be delivered by Prof R. Thangadurai, Harish Chandra Research Institute, on April 11 and 13, 2022, at 11:30 AM.
Speaker: Prof. R. Thangadurai, Harish Chandra Research Institute.
Part I (Organised and hosted by CMIT)
Title: Rational approximations and Subspace Theorem.
Venue and time: To be announced (offline) | 11:30 AM (GMT +5:30), Monday, April 11, 2022.
Abstract: We will prove Dirichlet’s theorem and Liouville’s theorem, define Rational approximation and state Subspace theorem.
Chair for the Session: Anitha Valliappan, IPhD Batch ‘21, School of Mathematics, IISER Thiruvananthapuram.
Part II (Organised and hosted by SoM, IISER Thiruvananthapuram)
Title: Some applications of Subspace Theorem.
Venue and time: To be announced (offline) | 11:30 AM (GMT +5:30), Wednesday, April 13, 2022.
Abstract: As an application of Subspace theorem, we prove some real numbers in the b-ary expansion are linearly independent over $\mathbb Q$.
Chair for the Session: Dr. Srilakshmi K, School of Mathematics, IISER Thiruvananthapuram.

All are cordially invited to attend the talks. Please join us in large numbers, we hope to see you all there! For any further queries, mail us at