Semi-direct product of categories and a Schur’s lemma for categorical representations (Part II)

By Sagnik Saha in Talk Series

April 21, 2022

We are delighted to be back with the second part of the talk by Dr. Saikat Chatterjee, School of Mathematics, IISER Thiruvananthapuram. Please note that this will be a follow-up talk to the first lecture delivered during CMIT’s third foundation anniversary, $S^3$. To know more about the first talk, click here.

Speaker: Dr. Saikat Chatterjee, SoM, IISER Thiruvananthapuram

Title: Semi-direct product of categories and a Schur’s lemma for categorical representations (Part II).

Venue and time: PSB Seminar Hall | 03:00 PM (GMT +5:30), Saturday, 23rd April, 2022.

Abstract: We develop a theory of twisted actions of categorical groups using a notion of semidirect product of categories. Turning to representations, which are actions that respect vector space structures, we establish an analog of Schur’s lemma in this context.

All are cordially invited to attend the talk. Please join us in large numbers, we hope to see you all there! For any further queries, mail us at

Posted on:
April 21, 2022
1 minute read, 156 words
Talk Series
talks online mathsclub
See Also:
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CMIT talk series: An introduction to q-analysis
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